SSSD Manual pages

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sssd-ad — the configuration file for SSSD


sssd-ad — the configuration file for SSSD


This manual page describes the configuration of the AD provider for sssd(8). For a detailed syntax reference, refer to the FILE FORMAT section of the sssd.conf(5) manual page.

The AD provider is a back end used to connect to an Active Directory server. This provider requires that the machine be joined to the AD domain and a keytab is available.

The AD provider supports connecting to Active Directory 2008 R2 or later. Earlier versions may work, but are unsupported.

The AD provider accepts the same options used by the sssd-ldap(5) identity provider and the sssd-krb5(5) authentication provider with some exceptions described below.

However, it is neither necessary nor recommended to set these options. The AD provider can also be used as an access and chpass provider. No configuration of the access provider is required on the client side.


Refer to the section DOMAIN SECTIONS of the sssd.conf(5) manual page for details on the configuration of an SSSD domain.

ad_domain (string)

Specifies the name of the Active Directory domain. This is optional. If not provided, the configuration domain name is used.

For proper operation, this option should be specified as the lower-case version of the long version of the Active Directory domain.

ad_server (string)

The comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames of the AD servers to which SSSD should connect in order of preference. For more information on failover and server redundancy, see the FAILOVER section. This is optional if autodiscovery is enabled. For more information on service discovery, refer to the the SERVICE DISCOVERY section.

ad_hostname (string)

Optional. May be set on machines where the hostname(5) does not reflect the fully qualified name used in the Active Directory domain to identify this host.

This field is used to determine the host principal in use in the keytab. It must match the hostname for which the keytab was issued.


The failover feature allows back ends to automatically switch to a different server if the primary server fails.

Failover Syntax

The list of servers is given as a comma-separated list; any number of spaces is allowed around the comma. The servers are listed in order of preference. The list can contain any number of servers.

The Failover Mechanism

The failover mechanism distinguishes between a machine and a service. The back end first tries to resolve the hostname of a given machine; if this resolution attempt fails, the machine is considered offline. No further attempts are made to connect to this machine for any other service. If the resolution attempt succeeds, the back end tries to connect to a service on this machine. If the service connection attempt fails, then only this particular service is considered offline and the back end automatically switches over to the next service. The machine is still considered online and might still be tried for another service.

Further connection attempts are made to machines or services marked as offline after a specified period of time; this is currently hard coded to 30 seconds.

If there are no more machines to try, the back end as a whole switches to offline mode, and then attempts to reconnect every 30 seconds.


The service discovery feature allows back ends to automatically find the appropriate servers to connect to using a special DNS query.


If no servers are specified, the back end automatically uses service discovery to try to find a server. Optionally, the user may choose to use both fixed server addresses and service discovery by inserting a special keyword, _srv_, in the list of servers. The order of preference is maintained. This feature is useful if, for example, the user prefers to use service discovery whenever possible, and fall back to a specific server when no servers can be discovered using DNS.

The domain name

Please refer to the dns_discovery_domain parameter in the sssd.conf(5) manual page for more details.

The protocol

The queries usually specify _tcp as the protocol. Exceptions are documented in respective option description.

See Also

For more information on the service discovery mechanism, refer to RFC 2782.


The following example assumes that SSSD is correctly configured and is one of the domains in the [sssd] section. This example shows only the AD provider-specific options.

id_provider = ad
auth_provider = ad
access_provider = ad
chpass_provider = ad

ad_server =
ad_hostname =
ad_domain =


sssd(8), sssd.conf(5), sssd-ldap(5), sssd-krb5(5), sssd-simple(5), sssd-ipa(5), sssd-ad(5), sss_cache(8), sss_debuglevel(8), sss_groupadd(8), sss_groupdel(8), sss_groupshow(8), sss_groupmod(8), sss_useradd(8), sss_userdel(8), sss_usermod(8), sss_obfuscate(8), sssd_krb5_locator_plugin(8), sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(8), sss_ssh_knowhostsproxy(8), sss_obfuscate(8), pam_sss(8).